The Insight Blog

How Balloon helped Forshay make work human-centered and merit-based

Written by The Balloon Team | February 21, 2020

Sally Thornton is the CEO of Forshay, a San Francisco-based consulting firm that focuses on making work better through DEI, organization, and leadership training and counseling. Forshay's clients include Airbnb, Levi's, TED, Pixar Studios, Mozilla, EA, and more.

Thornton was an early champion of Balloon: Not only does Forshay as a company use the platform regularly for team meetings and discussions, but Thornton herself is a member of Balloon's Customer Advisory Board. This month, our team sat down with Thornton to talk about the psychological, emotional, and practical benefits of Balloon.

"When we look at the future of work, we know what the problems are," said Thornton. "We need to be more human-centered. We need to have trust based organizations. We need to move very quickly and we need to leverage technology. Balloon is central in how the future of work can be more merit-based and human-centered at the same time."

Watch her full interview below:


"Balloon is central in how the future of work can be more merit-based and human-centered at the same time."

— Sally Thornton, CEO of Forshay